
In some Asian countries like India, Pakistan & Afghanistan men’s aspiration is their first baby must be a boy, not a daughter. If a son is not born he always accuses his wife that she is powerless to birth a son. That way he tries for more offspring just to have more sons. 


Man affronts his wife

Besides that Some males just have daughters. They always insult their wives about not having a son. And exceptionally their mother too abases her daughter-in-law. A few merciless men slay their wives and daughters when the wife shows their first kid is a girl kid. all of that ignorant behaves mostly seen in small cities or villages whereas in big cities, rarely cruel males act like illiterate. Most shockingly, the mother of a man is also engaged to murder her daughter-in-law and granddaughter if she cannot give birth to a boy.


Role of technology

Since technology has developed,  men & their families confirm the gender by ultrasound during pregnancy. And kill the child in the mother’s womb when they find a girl. Besides, if they do not verify the gender they just kill baby girls after their birth. while science also has revealed a father’s sperm ascertains the gender of a baby. The mother is not liable. Islam also elucidates that male subjects determine the sex of their baby, not a woman. despite all research and veracity, he does not lapse himself


Are girls a burden?

  A man should have a son for the first time because a boy starts earning at an early age, while for a daughter he feels a burden at an early age. The obligation of upbringing, the load of honor, the liability of her purity, the onus of her wedlock, so such males would not educate a girl or love her and do not watch out for their necessities. If a son is born, males teach him and love him. 


Girl kids with their parents.

Daughters are delicate like blossoms, whose fragrance always smells in the courtyard of the man’s house. If they are given love and If they are properly trained, they are always loyal to their guardians, yet I don’t know why some ignorant and low-minded men consider female children as a burden when they know that male kids are untrue.


Big cities and small cities men

 Lower-educated men living in cities consider that the boy kid is everything and will grow up to be the father’s pillar. On the contrary, especially the scholar people of the big cities disbelieve in girl child as an encumber. They both are equivalent. They nurture both of them with great affection and reverence.

A man who only has daughters

 Several gentlemen in Asian countries have more than two daughters. They consider themselves fortuitous as they are overjoyed with a girl child. But some people quiz those with those fathers sarcastically that they don’t have a son. The birth of a boy kid is mandatory for every family, like a family is imperfect without a male child, however, insightful people are not affected by such sarcastic terms and mindsets because they love their girls immensely.


The wish of parents of male

 Somewhere it is also noted that man’s parents longing that they wanna see their son-in-law before perished. Man is willing to fulfill the desires of his guardians. They wish to play with their grandson before death as this hope mostly is for the grandson, not a granddaughter however some well-mannered families wish for a grand-girl and as well for girls only. 


Marriages of male

Sometimes a man gets two or three times matrimonyA with disparate girls just to have a boy kid and the wife who gives birth to a son mostly man applause her and gives value to that spouse.


A very barbarous, ruthless & vilest role of a male and his family with cause that they do not want daughters. This is for no reason a boy child is perfect to bring wealth and he will be a pillar for his father after growing up but the daughter will do house chores and get married to someone else. Those men think female children are just loads. That is why they do not educate them. They also do not respect other females. They also beat their wives and daughters. That is how their boys also pick up the same act from them. and all these sentiments and actions relocate from generation to generation.


Questioning here how to cease this category of ignorance. The solution is must educate every son to respect every female in society.


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