The Indian People


One of the most famed countries in Asia is India. It comes in the list of the top ten well-developed countries of Asia. All over the world, Indian people have their worth. But they are a little mean and straightforward. What are the traits do Indians have? By following my experience here.


Table of Contents:

  • Proud to be an Indian
  • Talented and hard workers
  • Warriors and opponents
  • Mean and straightforward nationalists
  • Religions and faiths of Hindustani
  • Educational value of Indians

Proud to be an Indian

The most recognizable identity of an Indian is that they always notify proudly that they are from India state. Whether they survive and earn in the UK, the USA, or Europe they rarely express their favor about these states, but they always describe India as better they disfavor these countries. They do not let their country down for any reason. That is why they are proud to be an Indian which they proudly express. In short, their state is their pride.


Talented and hard workers

One of the top distinctiveness is that they are a well-qualified nation with talent which their hard work and success can see. Of course, they are stiff workers as they remain engaged with inventions. Additionally, they attempt to step forward from developed lands which means they have talent. 

Warriors and opponents

In 1947 India Pak was isolated and after that Indians became the biggest rivals of Pakistan. This is the only reason, they always fight with Pakistani people they use hurtful and evil words or sometimes abuse they are not rivals of Pakistan only but Chinese too. They compete only with the well-cultivated countries of the world. Bangladesh too fought for the reason that they were also part of India. Moreover, they show their envious identity on social media, in Europe and the USA with Pakistanis. The most important problem is that they never accepted Pakistan as an individual country of the world which is why they still battle or even want a battle with Pakistan. For this reason, Hindustani always suppresses Pakistan as an impoverished land which most countries deem the worst role of Indians. 

Mean and straightforward nationalists

Normally, Indians always show their pleasant manners to everyone but in reality, they are mean to most people. But they are straightforward as they are not frightened of anyone. Most commonly, they babble like they are buttering but are cool characters. They are very clever as well. Additionally, India country has many religious communities where Hindus and Muslims are most populated. Muslims are a little distinctive but in India, Muslims are not safe because Hindu-Muslim riots are common in India as both religions are opposite to each other. 


Religions and faiths of Hindustani 

Besides other qualities, Indian people also respect other religions they celebrate other religious festivals but it is most probably for the media that they are friendly and respectful to other faiths however they are not like that. Because they always fight with Muslims and abuse them and their religion. Their holy books are more precious which they try to explain. This shows their jealousy towards other beliefs. Sometimes, they force Muslims and other religious people to celebrate their false Holi days and beliefs if one does not do that they suppress them. The Hindu community has a lot of gods which they believe whereas other religions don’t have many. But still, Hindus show their disrespectful and envious behavior to other people. 

Educational value of Indians

Another identity of Indians is education and the English language is compatible with Europe, the USA, and the UK. This is because they get high-level jobs very easily in another state. If any Indian is well educated they easily migrate to any developed land where they show their attitude that you need us but we do not you. This comes in arrogance. They don’t admire another country even though they have lived there long. This is what their arrogance is they exaggerate their state however they know it is still low-developed. Because the impoverished society still has a poor existence in their country. 

Following all the appreciable and some evil characteristics of Indians they are good in their way. Still, sometimes some outsiders don't like them as they value their country and the English language too much. However, Indians have specific recognition all over the world.


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