English and Pakistani


Pakistan is a beautiful Asian country with a unique culture of dressing, spicy oily food, hot weather, atomic power, good agriculture, and language. When we talk about linguistics we say Pakistan has one official language Urdu but we have a few other state languages like Punjabi, Saraiki, Pushto, Sindhi, and English.

Table of Contents:

  • Why the English language is in culture?
  • People don’t know the international lingo
  • Who speaks this international lingo?
  • Why does the Pakistani nation mock?
  • Language institutes in Pakistan

Why English language is in culture?

English is not the Pakistani language or culture but is included in their education. The reason is that English is an international language that is compulsory to learn in Pakistan, but most people don’t. Only some overseas Pakistanis and other good language speakers in Pakistan can communicate in it and they always make fun of Pakistani English. This is why some educated people are unfit to verbalize in this international language.

English and Pakistani

People don’t know the international lingo

Pakistanis learn English in schools because they have one subject of this lingo since they started learning in schools but still, most people don’t know this international lingo, they are incapable of speaking and writing this language which is why some Pakistanis and many overseas mock their false English. Surprisingly, several famous personalities can’t speak this international lingo when they work internationally. It is very shameful for us that they can’t speak better English.

Who speaks this international lingo?

It is normal in Pakistan, that people don’t speak English, or if they speak others mock them because of their false lingo. On the other hand, highly educated people can speak better this international lingo but most people get jealous and illiterates mock them because of their perfect language. It is like if you don’t speak this lingo, some Pakistanis laugh at you, or if you speak perfectly still, people mock you. Pakistan has famous personalities in every field and those people work internationally like politicians, cricketers, actors, and journalists. But they don’t easily communicate in this international lingo because most have false degrees, which they got with money.

On the other hand, fewer well-educated citizens can speak this international lingo, as those who live in the USA, UK, or Canada, and when they come to Pakistan most of the time vocalize in English but the nation also laughs at them as they speak like a foreigner. For this reason, people can’t vocalize in this language easily and fewer Pakistanis speak it.

English and Pakistani

Why does the Pakistani nation mock?

It is very annoying in Pakistan that people mock those who speak English that is the main reason citizens can’t easily vocalize in this international linguistic. Another reason is that most civilians are illiterate so they are incapable. But still, if anyone wanna communicate in English most people mock them and speakers lose their confidence. For this reason, when Pakistanis verbalize in this international linguistic in the UK or USA foreigners don’t mock them which is good for people. But still, practicing in our homeland is getting vigorous.

Language institutes in Pakistan

Most probably students and high-level job seekers join some academies to grasp English where they communicate in this international linguistic with others to make their English better. The most important betterment comes from conversation. This is the way by which people can enhance their speaking level. But in an institute, it’s easy to vocalize and find your mistakes after leaving institutes it becomes stiff again because of having no one for better conversation. The problem is that Pakistanis don’t have a normal environment to communicate in this language.

English is not the main problem of Pakistani nation because many nations in this world don’t comprehend and even don’t learn this international lingo. It is just a language an international language which is only a way of communication. And if anyone speaks or writes this lingo falsely people should let them know their faults themselves but shouldn’t mock them. That way they can learn from their mistakes easily and grasp this international lingo. But the Pakistani nation doesn’t apprehend and laughs at people who speak false language.

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