The Pakistani Nation

 The name of Islam isolated Pakistan but, more or less Pakistani obey Islamic principles the nation itself is extraordinary as their ways, way of living, and nature are peculiar as well. Pak nation has some positive and negative personalities which make them dissimilar from other Asians.

Table of Contents:

  • Wolf in sheep's clothing
  • People are backbiter
  • Boasters with arrogance
  • Cheerful nation
  • Pakistani are great warriors and abusers
  • Short temper with no tolerance
  • Good hosts with loved one
  • Helpful companions
  • Does Pakistani give charity?

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Pak nation shows that they are friends or well-wishers but they are not. They take benefits while becoming a good friend. When the meaning is fulfilled, they become bad friends after fighting. Rarely, people are true fellows they show their dignity till the last breath. Most people are friendly but, do not help when someone is in trouble and ask for help. That is why, they are famous as wolves in sheep's clothing.

People are backbiter

Most Pakistani speak positively on your face but, talk negatively about yourself to the third person. This is called backbiting which means doing evil behind the back. Most are duel-faced they are polite in front of you but they are evil in real. They always praise you with a smile but mock you behind. Surprisingly, the third person against whom we used to slander would tell the person against whom we were backbiting that such a person says this about you and then people would fight among themselves. This is disgusting and never comes in decent character.

Boasters with arrogance

A futile task by Pakistanis is that they are pleased when they buy something unique but they also flaunt others to feel inferior. This boasting quality is mostly expanding more frequently among women. Massively females suffer from an inferiority complex that they can't tolerate when something makes them feel inferior. Especially, greed most women are covetous of what any other woman has she wants the same to show off and tell others that I am rich or also unique.

cheerful nation

The nation loves to amuse itself with distinctive festivals. They laugh and delight in festivity with decorations, clothes, and food. However, inflation is getting high in Pakistan but still, the nation remains engaged with gleeful moments and slander. No one can cease them for celebrations because spending money is their right which they can't control. Then they are distressed as they are overloaded with loans. But nations themselves do not cease any festival from jubilation.

Pakistani are great warriors and abusers.

Despite other negative personalities, Pak society is also a fighter. They abuse their neighboring country and love fighting with their folks. The most irritating battles of Pakistani people are when they keep on abusing each other. It is unpleasant, females and males mostly abuse with stubbornness during any quarrel. But Sometimes, they wrangle with hands, feet, or with any harmful thing such as a weapon which may rarely cause the death of any person. Most of the time people get injured during fighting this is because the nation does not have patience and tolerance at all.

Short temper with no tolerance

The Pakistanis are very short-tempered as they are intolerant and they don't ignore any false thing. That is why they get aggressive with small statements. Most families start disputing only on past incidents and sometimes any mischief or matter. They talk very loudly to heighten their statements because everyone wishes to win the battle whether they are right or wrong.

Good hosts with loved one

Besides some bad qualities, the Pakistani nation is famous for its hosting which comes in good character. When guests or someone comes to meet them at their home, they set up a room with many savory foods. According to their tradition, they also give food when guests returning their house and say goodbye. Moreover, the Host brings some presents for guests which makes them happy.

Helpful companions

Additionally, the Pakistani folks have one good quality they always come forward in joyful and sorrowful moments of their friends and kinsfolk. They give sympathy and support to their friends and families financially and mentally. But mostly the lower-class society is very gracious whereas the high-grade families only have arrogance. They remain engaged while boasting, only the middle class is very humble.

Does Pakistani give charity?

One more good characteristic of Pak society is generosity, especially the middle-class people, as earning wealth is getting tough in Pakistan they still, give a lot of money as charity. Pakistan is populated with impoverished society which is why most of the middle-income group always help the poor while giving them some cash.

With due respect, Pak society is honorable because the state is still a low economic country. The circumstances of Pakistan are too weird. The weather is warming still, and they survive in this corrupted state which is nothing except a sign of bravery and lively heart.

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